Cathedral os San Sabino

The Cathedral
of the city of Bari.

‹ Indietro

A few steps from the castle, near the old Bari, the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Sabino is a historic episcopal seat and repeats in its strict and harmonious lines the architecture of the nearby Basilica of San Nicola.
Built in the XIII century, it is an extraordinary example of Apulian Romanesque and in the hypogean succorpo it preserves important archaeological finds, such as the remains of a Roman civil building, the three-nave paleochristian basilica and the Byzantine church.
Crossing the threshold, the gaze runs along the three aisles with solemn shapes, divided by 16 columns that support arches and false matrons. In the eighteenth-century crypt, splendid marbles enhance the icon of the Madonna Odegitria, arrived in the port following a violent storm, and the relics of San Sabino on the high altar.
In the adjacent Palazzo della Curia the visit continues among the works and precious finds of the Diocesan Museum.

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